Thursday, February 27, 2014

Salt Cathedral - Salt Cathedral (2013)

Whoa from the first few moments you're going to have the fish hook lodged deep. Busy post-rock electro pop with some really juicy math tendencies AND sensational female vocals. Its a recipe for digging deep into this rich dish. Its always at the right amount of restraint and never plays into any one area more than another. The guitars are always playing some crazy little background licks while the drums dance around while the  forks down the movement with the angelic singing. I'm just being blown apart by this Brooklyn group while their music is re-assembling me. TOP PICK AHOY!


1 comment:

  1. I was really excited for this.

    But by track four I was already zoning out on some "this shit all sounds the same".

    I'm revoking your Math Rockist License, brah.
