Post rock has always
been a great place to draw influence in the math rock realm. Plain and simple,
it lives and dies by the calculated structure of its song craft and lends
itself well to often wordless math rock groups, enter Sloth and Turtle. That very
statement exemplifies why these songs work so well. These pieces move in a way
that feels…organic. Motifs as well as chord progressions are revisited in
different ways throughout the duration of a song. This is huge in cementing a
feeling of identity in each track easily avoiding the dred post-rock “build up-crescendo-conclusion”
bore fest. Each section flows from one to the other without sounding forced in
anyway and that is the mark of a group that truly values and spends time on
song craft.
To speak to the
angular elements, rest assured they are tastefully implemented. There’s an
awful lot of tapping in these songs and that’s primarily due to the play style
of guitarist Nico Molinari. It’s a true testament to his playing that it always
comes of melodically interesting and usually very memorable in their rhythm, though
Nico’s guitar licks wouldn’t be half as vital if they weren’t being supported
by second guitar Jaime Alan Wosk. Jaime’s play style provides at times a
suitably atmospheric blanket for Nico’s tapping (like on the previously
mentioned “Toys”). To their credit they each mix up riffs, post-rock twinkles
and dueling tap-stravaganza’s (as on the bridge of “Telemachus”).
None of these guitar heroics
would be hitting home however if not for the rhythm section on deck here of Brian
Kincaid and Linden Reed on bass and drums respectively. Kincaid as his lead
guitar counter parts uses a few different styles when approaching his bass
work. Chunky drones are as common as more complex tapping by Brian’s nimble
work. As for Linden’s drumming, a personal soft spot being a fellow drummer it
always warms my heart to see some restrained and precise playing. Fills are
just technical enough but Reed’s main lick’s are the star here. Fantastic
hi-hat work is something few really hone in on but its plainly obvious in his
kit work. Low-tom beats mixed with a solid amount of snare to rim shot
Speaking as a whole
there are many moments of technical excellence here in this album to satiate
the most fervent of math rock fans but also just as many beautifully melodic
moments to appeal to any fan of instrumental rock in general. Are these guys pushing the very boundaries of
these oft played genres? No. But let’s be honest, when it’s done to this level
does it really matter? I challenge anyone to name drop a band in this space doing
this any better or even just as good. For my money Sloth and Turtle are a group
that should be not only listened to with apt attention but a band to watch for
future releases. This is not something to miss out on..period.
(also..side note.. that production? Holy fuck its insanely
gorgeous. Just listen to that snare snap..sweet mother)