Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Most Americans - The Most Americans (2013)

Have to say that there is a serious lack of indie rock these days that has that healthy dose of math like in the 90's....ahhh the 90's hahah. The Most Americans are from Boston and bring the heat hard with some wonderfully crafted indie rock that also has its fair share of dual guitar tom foolery...incredibly melodic guitars at that. You can be sure that the vocals are also just as catchy with their melodies. These guys know exactly what their doing and as a first release its clear that they know exactly what they want and how to get there. So again to sum it up 90's era indie rock with some inspired mathy instruments dueling it out underneath some intense crooning. Its not frenetic but it keeps a solid clip throughout which makes it seem maybe a bit more laid back than it actually is....blah stop! haha go listen now.

God some straight gorgeous guitars. This one certainly blindsided me hard. congrats.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Mahogany Hand Glider - Terrain Station

Last time! on Plenty of Swords!

I am completely excited that I received a wonderful heads up about Mahogany Hand Glider's new EP that is on its way.  What is completely refreshing to see is the amount of progress these guys have made since their first set of songs. Having listened already I can safely say these impressive statements:

1.The Riff's hit harder.

2. Post Rock build up's and let downs of the past for MHG have disappeared into some incredible transitions for these guys. 

3.Where there was a less clear influence of jazz, math and prog before we now get these in a more complete light.  You could have called these guys a Post-rock band before and its just not nearly as apt any longer.

4.Hold on to your hats everyone because these gentlemen are poised for some blowing up. Lets help make that a reality.

PS The official date this comes out is April 29th :)

Interview with A.M. Overcast's Alexander Litinsky

Album artwork for Pellow, A.M. Overcast's latest release

Alexander Litinsky created A.M. Overcast as a solo project for an explorative multi-instrumentalist.  In this first of a new interview series on Plenty of Swords, I got to know more about Alex's various musical projects, writing process, and performances in unlikely locations. Catch him at a show and you'll find out that the lighthearted, polite Canadian stereotype is not lost, even on the twentysomething indie musician.

P.o.S: So, lets start with basic stuff. I mean, I know your name, but tell me your name, how old are you and where exactly are you from?

AL: I am Alex Litinsky, I am 23.. I think. Yeah, 23. It's funny, man, you hit 20 and it just all just goes out the window.

I'm also 23, actually, and sometimes I find I have to think about it before answering. 

But, yeah, I'm from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada - born and raised. Never really moved around, I'd like to though. We just got snow yesterday. 

Did you? Wow, it's like hot here. 

Yeah we got a bunch of slushy snow, it just sucks. Summer's never gonna come. 

Yeah, you're probably tired of it. I mean, a couple hours north of here has snow until around April or May. So why don't you, if you can bring it all to mind, give me a rundown of your gear?

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Physics House Band - Horizons / Rapture (2013)

If any of you follow this sort of thing ;) an up and coming group called Physics House Band have released their first official album. I myself have been waiting patiently for such an event. I have heard most of these songs already and grown to enjoy each in their own particular ways. So what do they sound like? Well your going to hear this thrown around a lot in reviews...JAZZ FUSION!

but why now? why the tag? why not just say jazzy math rock?

Which yes you could argue in places that this is jazzy progressive math rock and in other spots its some legit fusion. This is where things get a bit complicated. As said most of these songs I am familiar with so how about the new ones? throw away filler tracks, minor points off. But how does everything sound together?.....

ehhh I dont know its just missing something for me...or maybe its too much? Ive been trying to think of exactly what it is. The filler tracks try to tie these songs together that are far and away pretty different and it doesn't work. Sometimes the crazy instrumental displays of prowess have me on the edge of my seat but more often than not I come up grasping sand to remember anything melodic or memorable. compositional song writing here is flawless but taken at once I'm missing some heart with what I thought was there before.

Many people are going to disagree with me...I understand..I do. This is well done stuff to be sure and most of you are already going crazy for it. Very interested to hear others detailed opinions.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Papaye - Tennis (2013)

Something very charming about this three-piece unit from France.

Noisey? a bit

Mathy? yea in a not super technical way but.

Tropical? huh? well now that you mention it a bit.

Check er out.

Meadow Saffron - Leaving the Black Square (2008)

        Always good to go digging back through the back catalogs on a sunday night. Now you well informed math wizards and wizettes may already be knowledgeable about this incredibly solid album. Meadow Saffron hail from Germany and play a gloriously tasty math rock cocktail that in structure plays as post-rock. The cherry dazzle to this here release is deff. the well done vocals that are all over this beast. The rhythms are also top notch as well.  Enjoy and Smile.


Ah yes and I failed to mention I'll be starting a new section here in a bit. My 7 and 9 year old daughters are going to be guest reviewing some classic math rock tracks. I can promise that it will be incredibly hilarious and possibly a little eye opening. More info to come.

Sparhawks - The Cabin (2013)

Last Time! on Lots of ugh PLENTY OF SWORDS!

Boston Based Sparhawks finally drop their first full length and they have three songs up on the bandcamp for a sampler platter. Deff. some more post-rock instrumentals here with slight math flirtations.  Production is top notch as well with a great drum sound. Have to say that I did expect a bit more progress toward some end of things...either more math or more post-rock but balance is still managed here as last time. Not a bad thing at all. The guys have obviously become tighter and are able to pull off some slicker break downs as a result. Check it but out for sure. 

ps. a bit sad they pulled the demo down