Strange band name, stranger album art but some fine heavy-prog-math out of Sacramento going on here, in the vein of You Slut! and the like. Short but sweet EP is free off their bandcamp, new album in the works.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Megachurch 2: Judgement Day
Megachurch are a three piece instrumental band from Ohio who utilize TWO BASSES and DRUMS along with a slew of samples of Megachurch leaders preaching their dicks off. SHIT IS FUCKING CRAZY. just think QOTSA but far far far far more badass.
Fang Island - Major (2012)
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Sgt. - Birthday (2011)
Monday, July 16, 2012
Now defunct 3-piece out of Reno, NV, real shame this band split up after just two EPs as I have spun these countless times since. All instrumental, full of melodic yet technical guitar lines, vice-grip tight drumming, and above all, well crafted songs. You will actually find yourself remembering parts of these songs after just one listen, strikes a great balance between the three instruments. Really wish I could've seen these guys play once but alas, these recordings will have to do. Reminds me of piglet at times but they really make these songs their own, definitely worth checking out. Copiously Irrigated is such a fun song.
Pharaohs - Photosynthesis (2011)

Last time on plenty of swords.....
Pharaohs are back again with their brand of indie pop rock math. Photosynthesis marks a clear choice to amp up the pop elements and vocals harmonies which honestly they do so so so well. The great guitar interplay is still there as well as random bursts of math on occasion. The vocals content seems to have gotten a bit more serious which I appreciate less jokes in my music as a rule (especially since they aren't normally funny.) The songwriting is certainly way tighter as well. Give it a shot and I promise you will be humming a couple of these tunes....its just that good.
Boyfrndz - Boyfrndz EP (2011)
Boyfrndz are a 3-piece out of Austin, TX who put out this excellent EP produced by Ikey Owens (formerly of the Mars Volta). Reminds me a bit of new Tera Melos with better singing (sorry Nick), these 5 tracks beckon repeated listens. Actually the vocals remind me a bit of another Austin band called White Denim (one of my favorites). But that is not to undermine the tight instrumental chops (particularly the drums). I believe they have a full length coming out soon which I'm very much looking forward to. Free download from their bandcamp, chhhheck it out.
Weatherbox - Follow the Rattle of the Afghan Guitar (2011)
another fav of mine. Brian Warren hailing from San Diego. im sure most of you know the long drama about the band? originally Brian was in Mister Valentine and My American Heart both of these bands were made up of members of Japandi. now after years of solo work, 2 eps' and 2 album he has gathered most of Japandi back together again and is currently touring with them as his Weatherbox band. Many videos on youtube, just search 'Weatherbox 2012'.
After The Cosmic Drama in 2010, people had very high expectations for future releases and they were NOT let down with Follow the Rattle of the Afghan Guitar. He also released a split 7" with Person L earlier this year.
good listening!
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Mahogany Hand Glider - Naked Huf (2012)
Uk based Instrumental Rock group Mahogany Hand Glider drum up a large amount of emotion with an instrument set up that many times times has you counting "z's" than saying "please!" You get the sense that every note here has been carefully crafted and not used to fill space. Build up's which I'm not normally a large fan of are used pretty well. Notice how I haven't said Math Rock yet? well yea a lot of this could be classified as such but way more on a post-rock note...kind of a samuel jackson five vibe if you catch me. Still this three song biz is really tight and I can only see the future looking bright for these guys.
Naked Huf (2012)
Six Hands - Six Hands EP
i kinda thought i found this through this here blog. but, so it goes.
really awesome, has that Rooftops/Antarctic/Bronzed Chorus kinda vibe. still it's own thing,
Parmesano - Parmesano! EP
these guys are a lot of fun, in ways, this is reminiscent of Abe Vigoda meets Maps and Atlases but from Spain!
Bangladeafy! - this is your brain on bugs
two of the most hilarious dudes, period. this shit is catchy and grimy drum and bass freak outings.
makes me want/need to get better at my instrument.
Team Jash - Death is Free
i would like to take this opportunity to be as shameless as possible about something that i have created.
this is a collection of songs i've made using fruity loops in my spare/high times over the last year.
i feel like some of this is worthy of being recreated in the form of Mother Night.
Some time ago when I was doing my first DJ gig at WNHU, my college's radio station, I was sifting through the station's massive library and came across a band called Don Caballero and it blew my mind. Since then I've been fascinated by math rock and all it's variations. Numerous forums and blogs just like this one helped fuel that fascination and built a pretty substantial library of music for myself. Didn't want to post any repeats (you guys have covered a lot of ground over the years!) but was surprised these guys haven't been mentioned on swords.
Planets are a drum and bass duo from Napa, CA who I once heard described as "maze-rock" because they were "too crazy for math rock". Tag squabbling aside this is hyperactive music that takes more than a few listens to digest but the impressive level of technique is apparent right away. Paul Slack, previously of SWIMS, sounds like he's playing two basses at once through impressive use of octave pedals but I saw them live and they pull it off and then some (not to mention they wear white cotton body suits and play crazy video clips through a projector pointed at themselves.) Certainly not for everyone but mind blowing in its composition and execution, I hear something new each listen.
Their bandcamp has their latest ep, Turbo Jamz and a few off singles for free which I've grouped together below but I recommend starting with their s/t debut. Haven't heard much from them lately but enough writing, go listen.
Planets - 2009
Turbo Jamz!!! EP - 2010
Planets are a drum and bass duo from Napa, CA who I once heard described as "maze-rock" because they were "too crazy for math rock". Tag squabbling aside this is hyperactive music that takes more than a few listens to digest but the impressive level of technique is apparent right away. Paul Slack, previously of SWIMS, sounds like he's playing two basses at once through impressive use of octave pedals but I saw them live and they pull it off and then some (not to mention they wear white cotton body suits and play crazy video clips through a projector pointed at themselves.) Certainly not for everyone but mind blowing in its composition and execution, I hear something new each listen.
Their bandcamp has their latest ep, Turbo Jamz and a few off singles for free which I've grouped together below but I recommend starting with their s/t debut. Haven't heard much from them lately but enough writing, go listen.
Planets - 2009
Turbo Jamz!!! EP - 2010
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