Monday, March 5, 2012

Riding the Diplodoc - Dilettantes Like Lions / Crystal Fuxx


Our beloved Riding the Diplodoc have dropped on us another wonderful gem in the form of the Crystal Fuxx EP. With this release comes a more focused sound and some better production. Intact are the quick changes and nicely written melodies. Have to say that as metaghost so eloquently put it "Sadly no reverse-reverb. Or helicopter sound effects." which I understand is a joke but it does seem that some of that youthful personality is missing, a minor gripe really. snatch and grab.

Crystal Fuxx EP 2012


O yes this is what I'm talking about 2011! Riding the Diplodoc are a whole mess of fun math rock flip flying through your ear holes. Completely instrumental and you wont mind in the least. They have a lot of really great atonal riffs that come together and truth be told really don't sound like they should work in the least. I believe if im not mistaken these guys are from Russia. I have to say my experience with Russian math rock (yes there is a fairly lively scene) has been spotty at best. This gives them an awesome boost in the best direction. My son actually just woke up and asked what I was doing so he will now be taking over my review:

Maeson "it make me feel really good. I think I'm going to become a drummer like you when I grow up"

There you have it.

dilettantes like lions


  1. I'm cracking up at the fact that they put some flange on a tremolo line and it sounds like someone doing a motor mouth/zerbert thing.

  2. This is super sick though. The production is a bit farty, but I really enjoy their chord progressions, and they have just the right touch of "post-rock" atmospherics without getting all reverb-tarded.

